Wednesday 19 March 2014

T25: Review!

So guys I have started my new health kick and wanted to share with you the progress that I am making. Also the workout DVD that I am using and thought I'd tell you how its going so far.


The workout DVD that I am using to whip my butt into shape for the coming summer months is T25 from the creator of insanity. The instructor Shaun T explains how following the workout calendar provided 5 days a week for 10 weeks, will get you in the best shape possible. The workouts are 25 minutes long and no equipment is needed until the second stage Beta. T25 is a high intensity workout with a series of 11 DVD's that change according to the workout calendar. All you need to do is focus and workout for them 25 minutes a day.

This is my 3rd day of T25 and so far it seems pretty good at times it is difficult to follow but you are still working up a massive sweat. The great thing about T25 is that on the DVD you have a modifier if the moves are too hard to do. Even doing the modifying moves creates you to get a sweat on. The workouts are manageable even for beginners but still intense enough for fitness fanatics. So far I am finding the workouts enjoyable and can't wait to start seeing results. I'll keep you updated on my progress.

Kisses Shop Girl

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